Unique portable vacuum grain sampler
Model 5.5H
Model 9HES
To ensure accurate grain grading and make informed marketing and inventory decisions, it is crucial to conduct adequate and accurate grain sampling. This practice should be carried out throughout the year, not just during the fall harvest, to identify potential issues such as pests, mold, and moisture caused by temperature fluctuations.
An easy-to-use and dependable tool for efficient grain sampling is the Port-a-Probe, which provides precise results at different depths and is less expensive than conventional sampling tools. With this technology, farm proprietors and operators can effortlessly collect grain samples from silos, flat storage structures, and grain piles, reducing storage losses and detecting storage concerns.
Although grain sampling can be a tedious task, the Port-a-Probe offers a practical solution that saves time and effort. By utilizing this technique, individuals can obtain the necessary information for proper grain management and minimize the impact of storage issues on their operations.
GVS offers two PORT-A-PROBE models equipped with Honda gas engines and Sutorbilt positive-displacement vacuum pumps which are portable enough to be placed in the back of a truck or van.
Gives quick and accurate analysis of grain quality and preserving identity putting grain management under your control.
Transports easily in a pickup truck, van or a trailer between facilities and farm bins.
Sampling can be done at the base unit or at the top of the bin for quick and accurate analysis of grain quality.
Quality Parts
Using Quality Sutorbilt Positive Displacement Vacuum Air Pumps, Honda Engines and steel formed by the CMF, Inc. computer controlled machines.

9HES Power Vac is our Heavy-duty sampler designed for high volume bin sampling with the capacity to sample grain in small farm bins, larger flat storage structures and tanks over 120 feet tall.

The 5.5H Power Vac is our medium-duty sampler designed to sample bins up to 60 feet in height, flat storage, farm bins, and grain piles.

The Dust & Debris (D&D) Vac is a durable and superior vacuum. A cyclone receiver connects to a modified drum lid and discharges into a 30 gallon high strength drum.

Why Us?
GVS Ltd was started in 1994 by two shareholders who had a lifetime of experience in all phases of the grain business. They both had a background in developing grain samplers and were confident the Port-a-Probe was the solution. GVS Ltd has most of the Port-a-Probe parts custom built, assembled and shipped by Custom Metal Fabricators, Inc. located at Herington, Kansas. Some parts are made in Kansas City.